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Mlawula Invasive Plant Species Mitigation

 Project: Rehabilitating growth Space for indigenous Plants and water systems Aim:  To mitigate invasive shrubs , which will potentially choke water sources and choke the land surface inhibiting undergrowth and grass growth for wildlife, eradication will allow for indigenous grass and undergrowth to grow and free water flow. Target Plants: Acacia decurrens green wattle Acacia mearnsii black wattle Caesalpinia decapetala Mauritius thorn Lantana camara lantana Sesbania punicea red sesbania Psidium guajava guava Solanum mauritianum bugweed Chromolaena odorata triffid weed Methods: Map out blocks/sites for action needed preferably blocks far apart as not to give wildlife and birds spaces of no...
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Community Climate Change Mitigation

Climate change mitigation involves efforts to reduce or prevent emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. Mitigation activities may include increasing the use of renewable energy technology, making older equipment more energy efficient, or changing management practices or consumer behavior. From implementing management strategies to sequester carbon, avoid deforestation and promote reforestation, to encouraging appropriate renewable energy siting or socially responsible investment and divestment from fossil fuels, there are many ways the conservation community can encourage climate change mitigation among land owners and local communities. Mitigation may prompt a range of policy discussions and actions. In a recent survey of land trusts, 60% of respondents said they were building awareness or...
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